FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Lufthansa could return to the Dax in June if its good run continues in the coming days. After a share price increase of around 27 percent in the year to date, Lufthansa currently ranks 34th in terms of free float market capitalization and would thus only have to climb one place by the end of May for a promotion to the top German Borse league as early as June, market strategists Carolin Raab and Maximilian Uleer of Deutsche Bank explained in a study available on Friday. In the case of an above-average price development, this is quite possible. Relegate to the MDax would then probably the automotive supplier Continental or the plastics company Covestro.

Deutsche Borse will review the indices of the Dax family on June 5 and implement any changes on Monday, June 19. Even if Lufthansa does not make it into the Dax in June, a new opportunity will come in September, according to Deutsche Bank experts. Thus, the equity analysts of the house continued to look positively at the crane line.

The airline, which was badly shaken during the Corona pandemic and rescued by the state, would thus return to the Dax after about three years. It had been forced to leave the DAX in June 2020 after almost exactly 32 years as a result of the share price collapse at the beginning of the Corona crisis./mis/men/stk