FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Lufthansa is gradually returning to earlier profit spheres. Chief Executive Officer Carsten Spohr had already announced the strongest summer revenue in the company's history after the first quarter of 2023. The MDax group will report this Thursday (7:00 a.m.) how the tourism-driven season actually started in the second quarter and how much money was earned. Other topics include the planned entry into the Alitalia successor ITA and the still unresolved wage dispute with the regular pilots.

Analysts polled by the company itself expect the Lufthansa Group to post average revenue of 9.4 billion and net profit of just over 700 million euros in the second quarter. In their opinion, a profit of around 1.5 billion euros could emerge for the year as a whole if the passenger companies in particular grow. In 2022, the cargo subsidiary Lufthansa Cargo and Lufthansa Technik, which is up for partial sale, had almost single-handedly saved the company into the black. The consolidated result had amounted to 791 million euros./ceb/DP/stw