NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Broker) - The US investment bank Morgan Stanley has upgraded Lufthansa from "Underweight" to "Equal-weight" and raised its price target from 6.70 to 9.80 euros. In a study published on Tuesday, analyst Conor Dwyer sees risks for ticket prices in 2024 - especially on long-haul routes due to increasing capacities there. This will probably be mitigated by freight volumes, which will help Lufthansa, for example. In contrast, this would help IAG less, he said, explaining the downgrade of the British-Spanish aviation holding company to "Underweight". However, he is not yet free of concerns about Lufthansa./tih/ajx

Publication of the original study: 30.01.2024 / 05:00 / GMT

First-time dissemination of the original study: Date not specified in study / Time not specified in study / Time zone not specified in study