FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Shares in Hellofresh rallied strongly on Tuesday thanks to a positive analyst comment. The papers of the cooking box mail order company rose by almost six percent to 24.85 euros by late afternoon, surpassing the exponential 200-day average line, which is considered a measure of the long-term trend. In addition, the share price jump put it at the top of the MDax. The index of mid-cap stocks recently rose only moderately.

The analysis house Kepler had started the evaluation of Hellofresh shares with "Buy" and a price target of 27 euros. According to this rating, Kepler Cheuvreux expects an absolute upside potential of the shares of at least ten percent over the next twelve months.

Expert Sven Sauer considers the valuation of the papers undemanding and believes that the expansion into the ready-to-eat market should accelerate growth again and Hellofresh will return to "healthy growth" in the second half of the year. He also pointed to the company's solid fundamentals, including a dominant market position, higher barriers to entry after infrastructure investments, low inventory requirements and a strong balance sheet./la/he