FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Due to political uncertainty, the Dax recorded its third consecutive day of losses on Wednesday. Ultimately, the leading German index fell by 0.44 percent to 18,437.30 points. The MDax, on the other hand, almost made up for its initially significant losses. One reason for this was a sharp jump in the Lanxess share price. The mid-cap index closed down 0.18% at 25,531.97 points.

Investors are increasingly favoring blue chips and avoiding technology stocks, which have recently risen massively. This applies not only to the European stock markets, but also to the US stock market. Since the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, investors are increasingly focusing on his second term as US president and on traditional American industries. Elsewhere, political uncertainty is increasing.

According to Landesbank Helaba, there is no real buying interest in German equities. A commentary by the Hessisch-Thüringische Landesbank said that there may be "a certain reluctance" ahead of the ECB's interest rate decision on Thursday. This was not dispelled by consumer price data from the eurozone. They confirmed the first survey, according to which inflation fell slightly in June./edh/he