Southwest Airlines Co. reported consolidated traffic results for the month, fourth quarter and full year ended December 2012. For the month, revenue passengers carried was 8,610,383 against 8,943,438 for the same period in the last year. Revenue passenger miles were 8,174,930,000 against 8,195,341,000 for the same period in the last year. Available seat miles were 10,479,165,000 against 10,454,875,000 for the same period in the last year. The December 2012 load factor was 78.0% compared to 78.4% in December 2011.

For the quarter, revenue passengers carried was 26,607,560 against 27,536,128 for the same period in the last year. Revenue passenger miles were 24,821,008,000 against 25,180,506,000 for the same period in the last year. Available seat miles were 31,193,395,000 against 31,297,562,000 for the same period in the last year. The fourth quarter 2012 load factor was 79.6%, compared to the load factor of 80.5% for the same period in 2011.

For the full year, revenue passengers carried was 109,346,509 against 110,151,572 for the same period in the last year. Revenue passenger miles were 102,874,979,000 against 103,864,488,000 for the same period in the last year. Available seat miles were 128,137,684 against 128,518,201,000 for the same period in the last year. The full year 2012 load factor was 80.3%, compared to the combined load factor of 80.8% for full year 2011.