BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - Construction of the new "Siemensstadt Square" industrial and residential development project has begun in Berlin-Spandau. The new, approximately 76-hectare urban quarter is to be built by 2035 on the traditional industrial site of Siemens AG in the west of the capital. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) also attended the laying of the foundation stone on Tuesday.

"The exciting thing is that we are building the city of the future from an existing district," said Siemens CEO Roland Busch. Around 35,000 people are to live and work in the new district in the future. Plans include the construction of apartments for around 7,000 people. An elementary school for 600 pupils and two daycare centers are also to be built.

Busch said that "Siemensstadt Square" would combine living, working, research and manufacturing. "The urban space should not just be a dormitory town, not just a working environment or just a consumer space," said Chancellor Scholz. With its new concept, Siemensstadt remains a place of the future and of confidence.

Siemens was founded in Berlin, and its historical production facilities were located in Berlin-Siemensstadt. After the Second World War, the company headquarters were relocated to Munich.

A total of 4.5 billion euros is to be invested on the site in the coming years, 750 million euros of which will come from Siemens. The planned reactivation of the so-called Siemensstadt is crucial for the transport links to the city center. Deutsche Bahn is aiming to open the line by the end of 2029./nif/DP/jha