ERKELENZ/BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - The head of the Green Party's parliamentary group in the Bundestag, Katharina Dröge, has called for a parliamentary follow-up to the police operation in Lützerath. "There are videos with harsh images on the Internet," Dröge told the "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger" (Tuesday edition). The images showed "a partially harsh police operation" and demonstrators who had tried to reach the quarry edge of the open pit and thus put themselves in mortal danger.

The Greens politician announced that they wanted to talk to the parliamentary observers about their impressions. The state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia will also deal with the mission. Videos alone are "not sufficient to get a comprehensive picture and to assess the legality of the measures taken," the "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger" quoted the parliamentary group leader as saying. Therefore, a "structured reappraisal" is needed.

She had no sympathy for the action of two activists who had barricaded themselves in an underground tunnel in the lignite mining town for days. Lützerath, which belongs to Erkelenz west of Cologne, had been cleared in a large-scale police operation that lasted for days against the resistance of hundreds of climate activists. The energy company RWE wants to mine lignite there./wa/DP/mis