DÜSSELDORF (dpa-AFX) - An all-day warning strike began at Düsseldorf Airport early Friday morning. This was confirmed by a spokesman for the Verdi trade union. The union called on the 700 employees of baggage and aircraft handler Aviapartner to take part in the work stoppage, which began at 3:30 a.m. and is scheduled to end at 0:30 a.m. on Saturday morning. For Friday, about half of all flights at the airport had already been canceled, the spokesman said. In addition, there would be delays.

The participation rate in the warning strike was about 90 percent in the morning, according to Verdi. "The participation is very good, the effects are as planned," the Verdi spokesman said. Aviapartner has a market share of about 75 percent at Düsseldorf Airport, he said. A total of up to 350 employees are normally on duty on Friday, he said. In terms of passenger volume, the airport is the largest in North Rhine-Westphalia and the third largest in Germany.

The reason for the strike is the reallocation of handling tasks, in which Aviapartner did not win. According to Verdi, 700 jobs are at risk as a result. Aviapartner now refuses a social plan with severance pay for the employees threatened with job loss. Actions are planned for 10:30 a.m. in front of the NRW Ministry of Transport.

Already on Wednesday, warning strikes by employees of the airport company, ground handling services and aviation security in Berlin had brought passenger traffic at BER Airport to a standstill. With the action, Verdi wanted to increase the pressure on the employer side before the next negotiations./pn/büt/DP/mis