HANNOVER (dpa-AFX) - Smoke in the cockpit caused a stir in a Lufthansa aircraft on Sunday afternoon: the pilot aborted the flight to Frankfurt and landed at Hanover Airport for safety reasons. This was stated by an airport spokeswoman in Hanover. The 89 passengers and four crew members were able to leave the plane in the normal way. No one was injured, the spokeswoman said. A fire had also not been discovered. It is still unclear why smoke developed in the cockpit of the CRJ900, manufactured by the Canadian aircraft manufacturer Bombardier.

The plane was on its way from Billund in Denmark to Frankfurt/Main. The so-called safety landing was routinely accompanied by the airport fire department in Hanover on the tarmac. Lufthansa technicians have now begun investigating the origin of the smoke, said the airport spokeswoman./sto/DP/he