BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - In order to further advance the energy transition, the electricity grids are to be expanded more quickly. The Bundestag gave the green light for this on Friday with an amendment to the law. Accordingly, the expansion of two power lines, which are to transport green electricity from the north of Germany to the south, is to be brought forward. Specifically, this involves nine lines, which are now to be included in the Federal Requirements Plan ahead of schedule and therefore built more quickly. Exactly when construction can begin depends on the plans of the Federal Network Agency and the transmission system operators. However, the Bundestag's decision means that the expansion can begin as soon as possible.

Electricity to reach the south and west more quickly

The amendment that has now been passed concerns nine electricity highways that are planned as underground cables, explained SPD energy politician Markus Hümpfer in the Bundestag. These are part of the so-called North-East Link, which transports electricity from Schleswig-Holstein to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, and the Rhine-Main Link. The Rhine-Main Link is intended to better transport electricity from Lower Saxony to the south in future.

Costs for electricity customers could rise

According to the draft bill, the expansion of the lines will cost around 47 billion euros. It could also increase electricity costs for consumers. According to the draft, the grid fees, which are passed on to all electricity customers, will increase by around 80 euros net per year as a result of the investments. However, Green Party politician Ingrid Nestle believes that this effect will be offset by cost reductions elsewhere. "We will all benefit greatly from the grid expansion," Nestle told the dpa news agency. The additional costs due to grid fees would be offset by savings, as the new lines would reduce energy bottlenecks and limit the use of "expensive fossil fuel power plants". Most households - especially those on low incomes - will not be affected by the increase, she assured.

Lukas Kohler, deputy leader of the FDP parliamentary group, also believes that the grid expansion will lead to "low prices" for a secure electricity supply in the long term.

In addition to the new power lines, the Bundestag was actually supposed to deal with further legislative changes for the expansion of renewable energies on Friday. For example, comprehensive regulations for the implementation of a corresponding EU directive into national law were to be discussed. However, according to the Federal Ministry of Economics, this matter has been postponed to a "later date"./faa/DP/mis