• Savings of up to 15 percent for buildings and up to 60 percent in IT
  • Energy management system conforms to ISO 50001
  • Telekom supplies the data, TÜV Rheinland provides evaluation and support services

A new partnership between Deutsche Telekom and technical inspection service TÜV Rheinland now helps companies to save energy. Telekom's role is to collect the consumption data, while TÜV Rheinland uses it to develop efficiency measures and establish an energy management system.

"The rising cost of energy and the increasing role of sustainability in a company's enterprise value is shifting the aspect of resource management more and more into the spotlight of corporate management," said Gabriele Riedmann de Trinidad, responsible for the Energy business area at Deutsche Telekom. "The combination of TÜV Rheinland as a partner and our energy efficiency solutions for buildings and IT means we can offer companies a way of gaining transparency over their energy consumption and thus reducing it."

Dieter Kaufmann, authorized officer at TÜV Rheinland added: "The all-in package we are offering in combination with Telekom helps customers to identify and switch off wasteful appliances and cut the operating costs of their IT landscape and building systems long term." The experts have plenty of experience in this area: "Data centers can save between 20 and 40 percent with no deterioration in performance," said Kaufmann.

The energy efficiency solution for buildings can save companies up to 15 percent on power used in warehouses, offices, branches, and production sites. It uses the data lines already in place to access existing power meters, sensors, and building system management programs. A central management system gives companies a clearer picture of their consumption, information in case thresholds are exceeded, and the status of their systems and alarms. Additionally, the energy efficiency solution from Telekom allows users to manage heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, heat pumps, cooling systems, and much more. The solution itself has been independently tested and certified to ISO 50001 and delivers the figures used for the energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001.

STRABAG Property and Facility Services GmbH already uses the energy efficiency solution for 700,000 data and meter points at 8,500 Deutsche Telekom properties. Strabag is a service partner to Deutsche Telekom, and its energy management system is ISO 50001 certified. Part of the service it provides is to take energy consumption, function, and status readings from the technical systems installed at the properties. The information points the real estate service provider to illogical scenarios, such as when the ventilation and heating systems are on at the same time, so it can manage the building systems and thus save energy costs for Deutsche Telekom.

It is not only buildings that use energy, however. A large portion of the energy bill is generated by PCs, printers, and servers. Telekom's energy efficiency management solution for IT continually monitors the loads and energy consumption of such equipment. There is no need to install software agents or expensive measuring equipment. By automatically switching equipment on and off, IT infrastructure savings of up to 60 percent can be made.

Find out more at E-world 2013 from February 5 to 7 by visiting Deutsche Telekom at stand 102 in hall 7, and TÜV Rheinland at stand 370 in hall 3.

About Deutsche Telekom AG
Deutsche Telekom is one of the world's leading integrated telecommunications companies with more than 131 million mobile customers, 33 million fixed-network lines and over 17 million broadband lines (as of September 30, 2012). The Group provides fixed-network, mobile communications, Internet and IPTV products and services for consumers, and ICT solutions for business and corporate customers. Deutsche Telekom is present in some 50 countries and has over 230,000 employees worldwide. The Group generated revenue of EUR 58.7 billion in the 2011 financial year - over half of it outside Germany (as of December 31, 2011).

About TÜV Rheinland
Established 140 years ago, TÜV Rheinland is a world-leading independent technical inspection service. The group employs some 16,000 people at 500 sites in 65 countries and generates annual revenue of EUR 1.4 billion. Its independent experts represent quality and safety for people, the environment, and technology, in virtually all areas of life. TÜV Rheinland inspects technical systems, products and services, offers project support, and defines corporate processes. Experts provide training for people in a host of professions and industries using TÜV Rheinland's global network of accredited labs, testing, and training centers. In 2006, TÜV Rheinland joined the United Nations Global Compact, which promotes increased sustainability and works against corruption. Visit www.tuv.com.

About STRABAG Property and Facility Services
STRABAG Property and Facility Services is an end-to-end real estate service provider. Its portfolio covers real estate management (services include property management and corporate solutions, facility management, and leasing and rental), technical facility management (in particular fail-safe power supply and maximum availability), the extension of existing structures, and infrastructure facility management. With 240 sites in six regions of Germany plus two fault management centers, STRABAG Property and Facility Services guarantees a nationwide presence. In 2012, STRABAG PFS was one of the first companies in the facility management industry to achieve DIN EN ISO 50001 certification for its energy management system.

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