NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) - The U.S. analyst firm Bernstein Research downgraded BMW from "outperform" to "market perform". The price target was left at 90 euros. After the automotive sector was dominated by macroeconomic considerations in the previous year, the freshly started year is far more suitable for targeted investments within the sector, analyst Daniel Roeska wrote in an industry report available on Thursday. He added that automaker BMW should be very successful in 2023 and stands out for its forward-looking strategy as well as its dividend policy and share buybacks. However, he said the stock is now simply sufficiently highly valued, which is why he prefers the paper of Mercedes-Benz./edh/ck

Publication of the original study: 12.01.2023 / 06:14 / UTC First disclosure of the original study: 12.01.2023 / 06:14 / UTC


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