On Friday, Airbus posted one of the biggest rises in the CAC 40 index after exceeding its aircraft delivery target for 2023.

Last night, the aircraft manufacturer announced that it had delivered 735 commercial aircraft to 87 customers worldwide last year, a figure 11% higher than for 2022.

By way of comparison, the European manufacturer had set itself the target of delivering 720 aircraft this year. The consensus was for 723 aircraft.

The Group also reported that it had booked 2,319 gross orders.

'Needless to say, the company easily dominates Boeing, both in terms of gross orders (1,456) and deliveries (527)', emphasized Stifel analysts.

Berenberg's teams point out that last-minute deliveries, i.e. those made in the last ten days of the year, accounted for around 50% of December deliveries.

According to Deutsche Bank, this performance reflects an easing of the supply chain difficulties that have hitherto penalized production rates.

This augurs well for deliveries in 2024 and for further improvement in production conditions", the research firm points out.

DB adds that the record level of gross orders, at 2,319 aircraft, augurs well for strong cash flow in the second half of the current financial year.

Airbus is therefore likely to exceed both its operating profit (Ebit) and cash flow targets for 2023 when it presents its annual results on February 15', it concludes.

Around 10:30 a.m., the share price was up 2.4%.

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