Fortis will hold Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders on 11
February in Brussels and 13 February in Utrecht.

In accordance with the ruling of the Court of Appeal in Brussels on
12 December 2008, shareholders attending the Extraordinary General
Meeting in Brussels (Fortis SA/NV) will be invited to vote on the
decisions taken by the Board of Directors on 3, 5 and 6 October 2008
and on the agreements arising from the implementation of those
decisions, with regard to the sale of business units to the Dutch and
Belgian governments and to BNP Paribas.

Shareholders attending the Extraordinary General Meetings in both
Brussels (Fortis SA/NV) and Utrecht (Fortis N.V.) will also be able
to vote on the appointment of new board members.

The Board of Directors will propose the appointment of Mrs Ludwig
Criel and Guy Selliers de Moranville as non-executive directors for a
period of 2 years until the conclusion of the General Meeting of
Shareholders of 2011.

Under the terms of the Articles of Association, candidates may be
proposed by shareholders representing at least one per cent of
Fortis's share capital or owning Units with a market value equivalent
to at least EUR 50 million.

In this context, following candidates will be proposed:

Philippe Casier proposed  by VEB/Deminor
Jozef De Mey proposed  by Ping An
Andrew Spencer Doman proposed  by Ping An
Georges Ugeux proposed  by VEB/Deminor
Dirk van Daele proposed  by VEB/Deminor
Jan Zegering Hadders proposed  by VEB/Deminor

The agenda for the two Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders
will soon be published on, together with explanatory

Annex: brief CVs of the proposed candidates
Fortis holding (Fortis SA/NV and Fortis N.V.) include only (1) Fortis
Insurance Belgium (2) Fortis Insurance International, and (3)
financial assets and liabilities of various financing vehicles. The
international insurance activities (Fortis Insurance International)
are located in UK, France, Hong Kong, Luxembourg (Non-Life), Germany,
Turkey, Russia, and Ukraine, and in joint ventures in Luxembourg
(Life), Portugal, China, Malaysia, India and Thailand. Fortis holding
is therefore no longer involved in any banking activities.

Press Contacts:
Brussels:           +32 (0)2 228 82 92 Utrecht: +31 (0)30 226 32 19
Investor Relations:
Brussels:           +32 (0)2 565 53 78 Utrecht: +31 (0)30 226 65 66


Mr Ludwig Criel
Mr Ludwig Criel was born in 1951 and is a Belgian national. He  holds
a degree in  Economics and  a management degree  from Vlerick  Leuven
Gent Management School.  Mr Criel  has a longstanding  career in  the
maritime industry which he started at Boelwerf NV in 1976. In 1982 he
joined Almabo  Group as  financial director.  In 1991  he started  at
Companie Maritime Belge (CMB)  where he holds  the position of  Chief
Financial Officer and member of the Executive Committee since 1993.
Mr Criel is member of the board  of directors of CMB nv, Euronav  nv,
Wah Kwong  Shipping  Holdings,  De  Persgroep  nv,  West  of  England
Insurance Services and Air Contractors Limited.

Mr Guy de Selliers de Moranville
Mr Guy de Selliers de  Moranville was born in  1952 and is a  Belgian
national. He holds a Master
degrees in Engineering and in  Economics from the Louvain  University
in Belgium. He started
his career in 1977  at the World Bank,  where he was responsible  for
Metals and Mining projects.
From 1982  unti1  990  he was  Senior  Vice  President  International
Investment Banking at Lehman  Brothers. From 1990  until 1997 he  was
Vice Chairman  of  the Credit  Committee  and member  of  the  EBRD's
Executive Committee.  After this  Mr de  Selliers de  Moranville  was
Chief Executive  of  MC-BBL  Eastern Holdings,  a  Board  member  and
Executive Chairman for Eastern Europe at Robert Fleming and Co. Ltd.,
Advisor to the  European Commission and  Co-Chairman of a task  force
mandated  to develop a strategy  to facilitate the implementation  of
energy projects of strategic interest in the context of the EU/Russia
Energy Dialogue. Since 2003 Mr de Selliers de Moranville is Executive
Chairman of Hatch Corporate Finance, founded in partnership with  the
Hatch Group.
Mr de Selliers de Moranville  holds the following board  memberships:
Solvay, Advanced Metal Group  and Wimm Bill Dann.  He is a member  of
the Advisory Board of Pamplona, and  is the Chairman of the Board  of
Trustees of  Partners in  Hope. He  was previously  a member  of  the
Fortis International Advisory Board.

Mr Philippe Casier
Mr. Philippe Casier was born in 1944 and is a Belgian national. He is
a civil engineer and holds an MBA from Cornell University. Mr. Casier
started his career at  the Compagnie Occidentale de Participation  et
de Gestion. In 1977 he joined the Suez-Tractebel Group. Within  this
Group, Mr.  Casier  has  held various  positions   in  Fabricom,  the
technical services company of Electrabel. He was Managing Director at
Fabricom until  2004 and  was director  of several  companies of  the
Suez-Tractebel Group.
Mr. Casier holds a number of other Board memberships. He is member if
the Board of Vlaams Economisch Verbond as well as the Union  Wallonne
des Entreprises.

Mr Jozef De Mey
Mr De Mey  was born in  1943 and is  a Belgian national.  He holds  a
degree in Mathematics from  the University of  Gent and graduated  in
Actuary at the University of Leuven. He started his career in 1967 at
the Insurance Control  Authorities of Ministry  of Economic  Affairs.
From 1969 until  1971 he worked  at Kredietbank Belgium.  In 1971  he
joined John Hancock,  a financial services  provider,  where he  held
various positions untill he  joined Fortis in 1990.  At Fortis Mr  De
Mey served as general manager of Fortis International, CEO of  Fortis
AG and was appointed member  of the Executive Committee in  September
2000 where  he  was responsible  for  the Belgian  and  international
insurance activities and  in 2007  he was  appointed Chief  Invesment
Officer within  the Executive  Committee. Mr  De Mey  left Fortis  in
December 2007.
As of  January  2008  Mr  De  Mey  held/holds   the  following  board
memberships: Fortis Bank  NV, Fortis Insurance  NV, Fortis  Insurance
International,  Fortis   Insurance  Netherlands,   Fortis   Insurance
Belgium, Portima ( Chairman) and Geneva Association
Mr Andrew Spencer Doman
Mr Spencer Doman was born in 1951 in Australia and has a dual British
and Australian nationality.  He holds a  master's degree in  Business
Administration from the University of New South Wales. He started his
career  as  a  Resident  Medical  Officer  in  1975  and  joined  the
Australian Diplomatic Service  in 1976.  Between 1981  and 1986,  Mr.
Spencer Doman held various  positions at the  New South Wales  Health
Department. He  is currently  Director at  McKinsey &  Company,  Inc,
where he has  been working in  various positions since  1986. In  his
current  position,  Mr.  Spencer   Doman  deals  with  major   client
relationships in  all sectors  of  financial services,  ranging  from
Investment  banking,   wholesale  banking,   retail  banking,   asset
management, hedge  funds,  private  equity,  asset  management,  life
insurance, general  insurance  and  financial  services  distribution
(e.g. insurance brokerage).
Mr Spencer Doman does not hold any other Board memberships.

Mr Georges Ugeux
Mr. Ugeux was  born in 1945  and is  a Belgian national.  He holds  a
Doctorate in Law  and is  Licentiate in Economics  from the  Catholic
University of  Louvain. Mr  Ugeux started  his career  in at  Societe
Generale de  Banque,  where he  became  the General  Manager  of  the
investment banking and  trust division. He  later served as  managing
director of Morgan Stanley's  Mergers and Acquisition department  and
as Group Finance Director at Societe  Generale de Banque. In 1992  he
became president and Managing Director of Kidder, Peabody Europe.  In
1995 and 1996 he was President of the European Investment Fund.  From
1996 to 2003, Georges  Ugeux was heading  the International Group  of
the New York Stock  Exchange. Since 2003, Mr.  Ugeux is Chairman  and
CEO of Galileo Global Advisors.

Mr Dirk van Daele
Mr van Daele was born in 1961  and is a Belgian national. He holds  a
Licentiate in Economics  and a  Masters Arts from  the University  of
Louvain in  Belgium. Mr.  van Daele  started his  career in  1984  at
Generale Bank as a management  trainee in Retail Banking. After  that
he has held several positions with  Barclays de Zoete Wedd, UBS,  for
which he was based in Hong Kong and Singapore, and Dresdner Kleinwort
Wasserstein, for which he was based in London, Frankfurt and Asia.
Mr. van Daele is currently Co-Chief Executive Officer of DAM Capital,
which he co-founded in 2003.

Mr Jan Zegering Hadders
Mr Zegering Hadders  was born  in 1946 and  is a  Dutch national.  He
gained a master degree in business economics in Groningen followed by
a postgraduate in business administration in Rotterdam. Next to  that
he followed  an  advanced  executive  education  program  at  Wharton
Business School.
Mr Zegering Hadders started his career at AMRO Bank in 1972, where he
held various positions in strategy, planning & control and marketing.
In 1986 he joined  Postbank as general  manager wholesale banking,  a
role he continued after  the merger with NMB  in the new  combination
NMB Postbank.  After  the  merger  of  NMB  Postbank  with  Nationale
Nederlanden, ING Group was created  where mr Zegering Hadders  served
in different positions. He was general manager organisation,  general
manager corporate communications & Strategy,  member of the Board  of
ING Netherlands/CEO WUH ( Mortgage and Securities Bank) and from 2004
until 2008  he was  chairman  of the  Board of  ING  Netherlands/Head
wholesale banking clients at ING Group.
Mr Zegering Hadders is a supervisory board member at Grontmij nv, GET
Holdings and E-concern.

This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

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