FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - The downward trend of the past three months intensified for K+S on Monday. A sell recommendation from UBS due to a critical stance on earnings momentum further dampened investor sentiment. With a discount of 5.3 percent to 14.94 euros, the shares of the fertilizer group were among the two biggest losers in the MDax. In the course of the day, they reached their lowest level in almost five months at 14.57 euros.

According to her study, UBS analyst Priyanka Patel misses the right earnings momentum both in the short and long term. The group is exposed to high costs, but cannot rely on rising fertilizer prices for the time being. According to the expert, the situation in agriculture in 2024 is not supportive enough for greater price recovery potential. She also mentioned longer-term profitability risks in Europe. She also sees a point of criticism in the free cash flow, which only offers limited support./tih/jha/