FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Despite weak industrial data, investors on the German stock market have once again taken action at the end of a fairly strong week. Industrial production in Germany fell by 2.5 percent in May, while analysts had expected a slight increase on average. It is the sharpest setback since the end of 2022. The production figures were disappointing across the board, commented economist Thomas Gitzel from VP Bank.

In early trading on Friday, the DAX rose to its highest level since mid-June, trading 0.32 per cent higher at 18,510.14 points. This indicates a weekly gain of around 1.5 per cent for the leading index and the third consecutive week of stabilization. It has made up most of the price correction from mid-June, except for around 100 points, and can even slowly look back towards the May record of 18,892 points.

The MDax gained 0.41% to 25,644.40 points on Friday morning. The EuroStoxx, the leading eurozone index, rose by around 0.3 percent.

There was no impetus from Wall Street as there was no trading on July 4 due to Independence Day. Instead, the highlight of the week will be the US labor market report on Friday afternoon. Following the interest rate turnaround in Europe, it is likely to be checked for signals as to whether the US Federal Reserve will soon be able to follow suit./edh/mis