Store Electronic Systems (Euronext: SESL, FR0010282822), the leading supplier of Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL) for large-scale food and non-food retailers, has announced that the Casino Group has just awarded it a contract to modernize 100 supermarkets and hypermarkets that up to now have used a competing technology. This substantial order by the Casino Group is a renewed endorsement of its confidence in SES, following the initial successful installation of 45 supermarkets and hypermarkets in 2015, confirming how well-adapted the entire range of SES products and services are with its strategy. Under the agreement, its hypermarkets will be mostly equipped with graphical electronic labels.

The performance, reliability and comprehensive nature of the Jeegy software solution and its multiple-protocol radio communication solutions were key factors in reaching this agreement. The Casino Group has decided to capitalize on SES' unrivaled technological lead to offer a markedly improved shopping experience to its customers by using HD graphical labels with dynamic promotional display and by equipping its fruit and vegetables counters with E-Paper labels. A choice driven by the large display area of the labels and their ability to present several items of complex information very clearly.

Thierry Gadou, CEO of SES, concludes: “We are very proud of the trust placed in us by the Casino Group to equip these additional 100 stores in France, part of a strong momentum by retailers aimed at winning over and retaining customers in France and abroad. In a constantly-changing multi-channel connected environment, ESL plays a key touchpoint and communication role between retailers and their customers. Every year, SES devotes substantial investments to meeting its customers' requirements, and in this respect the agreement with the Casino Group is recognition of the high quality and reliability of our products and services, as well as our strong innovation strategy.

About Store Electronic Systems

Store Electronic Systems is the leader in Electronic Shelf Labeling systems (ESL) for large-scale food and non-food retailers. The Group designs, markets and installs all the system's components (software and communication platform, displays, mounts), thus providing clients with a turnkey solution. The range of products and services offered by SES allows retailers to manage pricing dynamically, while significantly improving store productivity and developing new contactless uses for consumers.

Store Electronic Systems is listed on Compartment C of Euronext™ Paris.



Florent Alba, Investor Relations & Financial Communication - Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 71 98 55

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