FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - The automotive supplier Stabilus is likely to be slowed down on Monday by a somewhat disappointing outlook. On the trading platform Tradegate, the shares lost 0.3 percent in advance compared to the Xetra close on Friday to 51.05 euros. This threatens a continuation of the recent series of losses that had pushed them below the 21-day line, which is important for the short-term trend. On Friday, they marked their lowest level since October at 50.65 euros. With a minus of almost 19 percent for the year, the company is one of the biggest losers in the MDax index of medium-sized German companies.

Stabilus was able to increase quarterly sales slightly more than forecast and now sees earnings in the current fiscal year at the upper end of the previous target range. However, the adjusted operating margin (Ebit margin) is only expected to reach the lower end of the previously targeted range. For both ratios, consensus estimates have been a bit higher so far, which is why the more concrete outlook could be a bit disappointing, traders commented. JPMorgan analyst Akshat Kacker also stressed in an initial reaction that the persistently weak margins in the Americas business had fallen short of expectations./gl/jha/