SoLocal Group confirmed its willingness to propose its board of directors to evolve in order to gather the different stakeholders in its capital ownership post-financial restructuring. Thus, the board of directors of SoLocal Group, after hearing the conclusions of the remuneration and appointments committee, who met on 28 September 2016, decided to submit to the general shareholders' meeting, the appointment, subject to the approval of the financial restructuring plan, of four new directors: two representatives of the individual shareholders: Ms. Anne-Marie Cravero and Mr. Alexandre Loussert, and - two candidates proposed by the group of creditors: Mr. John Slater, a partner at Paulson, the large creditor of SoLocal Group, and Mr. Dominique d'Hinnin. As a reminder, these four applications supported by the board of directors come on top of Ms. Monica Menghini's one. The board of directors considers that this enlargement would allow a greater representation of the various stakeholders. If these proposals are approved by the general shareholders' meeting of 19 October 2016, the board of directors of SoLocal Group will encompass 13 members, including a director and employee representative, six women and eight independent directors (including the two new representatives from individual shareholders).