DÜSSELDORF/ESSEN (dpa-AFX) - The head of energy group RWE has called for a stronger focus on European supply chains. "We need to consider how we translate future growth largely into good European jobs," Markus Krebber told WirtschaftsWoche in an interview published Thursday. He said there must be incentives to build supply chains in Europe. In his opinion, this could also be a way to increase acceptance for the energy transition among the population.

The manager has two elements in mind as a solution: "Wherever the state is involved, for example in the allocation of sea areas, you should have to buy European - not everything, not everything overnight, but at least a certain share," Krebber said. As a second way, he mentioned tax incentives for suppliers to expand their capacities locally in a timely manner. He also referred to the Inflation Reduction Act in the United States. "We Europeans should make sure something happens here in Europe," Krebber said. "Good jobs in modern green technologies increase the acceptance of the energy transition among the population."

He said he still sees RWE's future in its home market. "We feel right at home in Germany and in Europe," he said. But the business is marked by uncertainties, he added. He cited problems in the supply chains as well as changing regulatory conditions. RWE wants to be broadly positioned across technologies and across markets, he said. "And the fact that a German company is also active abroad, I can't see anything problematic about that," Krebber said./lew/men/jha/