BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - Left Party leader Janine Wissler has announced active protest against the eviction of the village of Lützerath in the Rhineland. She will go there herself "and visit the protests, I will participate in actions there," Wissler said Monday in Berlin. She called the mining of the village to extract lignite a "frontal attack on climate protection" and "madness." At the same time, she appealed to North Rhine-Westphalia's Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) to keep a sense of proportion in the upcoming police operation.

The police had previously announced that an evacuation of the village occupied by climate activists could be expected from Wednesday. The energy company RWE wants to demolish Lützerath in the west of North Rhine-Westphalia in order to mine the coal underneath. The land and houses in the village now belong to RWE. The remaining activists in the village have announced resistance./vsr/DP/jha