BERLIN/ERKELENZ (dpa-AFX) - After protests against the demolition of the village of Lützerath and the mining of lignite, the organization Fridays for Future is now calling for new major climate demonstrations. A new so-called global climate strike is to take place on March 3, according to spokeswoman Pauline Brünger. She said that people will then call for policies that do justice to the climate crisis.

"Fossil energies destroy," Brünger argued. "Lützerath is an example of this, but the list of the government's climate policy failures is long," she said. She also cited the transportation sector, for example, as an example. There is a need for "radical changes in all sectors" and a serious implementation of the Paris climate agreement, Brünger said.

Fridays for Future has called for global climate protests several times in the past. In September 2022, for example, several tens of thousands of people took to the streets in Germany.

Most recently, climate activists had mobilized demonstrators with protests against the demolition of Lützerath. The village, a district of Erkelenz west of Cologne, has been evacuated by police and is to be dredged to get at the lignite underneath. RWE and the North Rhine-Westphalian state government argue that this is urgently needed to maintain energy security. Climate activists dispute this./ddb/DP/stk