COLOGNE (dpa-AFX) - RTL programming director Inga Leschek expects the German streaming market is unlikely to see any major new entrants. "You can see how difficult it is for the international latecomers in this fiercely competitive market to still make a significant impact," Leschek told Deutsche Presse-Agentur. "And if they do, a lot of marketing budget has to be put into their hands in order to be noticed at all. The streaming market in Germany already offers a very diverse range."

RTL+ is in a very strong position with more than 4.3 million subscribers, he said. "It is questionable whether other providers will enter the market. If so, it's true that competition stimulates business and creativity."

Leschek said of industry trends from the U.S.: "Until a few months ago, it was still the case that every major movie studio and a number of new providers started their own streaming service. To secure everything for their own platforms, content was no longer licensed to traditional TV partners." That logic is changing now, Leschek said. "Both Disney and other major studios are licensing again. We are already in good talks."/bok/rin/DP/men