Transactions in PKN ORLEN shares concluded by the person in a close relationship with the member of the PKN ORLEN Supervisory Board

No. 15/ 2013  | 11-01-2013

Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN Spolka Akcyjna ("PKN ORLEN") hereby informs that today it received a notice regarding purchase and sales transactions in PKN ORLEN shares concluded by the person in a close relationship with the member of the PKN ORLEN Supervisory Board. The total value of transactions exceeded EUR 5 000, based on the average PLN/EUR exchange rates as of the date of concluding the transactions, as stated by the National Bank of Poland. On 10 January 2013 the person in a close relationship with the member of the PKN ORLEN Supervisory Board purchased 9 800 PKN ORLEN shares at an average price of PLN 49,32 per share and sold 8 612 PKN ORLEN shares at an average price of PLN 49,22 per share. The transactions were concluded during common stock exchange session on the regulated market on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

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