Orion Corporation and Fifth Corner Inc. have initiated a collaborative research project to seek for new innovative solutions to help prostate cancer patients manage the stress caused by the devastating disease they have. The focus of the research is specifically aimed at finding new ideas and ways to improve the quality of life of the patients as well as understanding how the physical and mental stress that the patients are facing could be alleviated. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men. It usually progresses slowly and in most cases the patient does not die because of it. In other words, the patient may live with the disease for very long and experience both physical and mental stress in the different phases of treatment. In some cases the medical assessment may be that it's best to only follow up the progress without any treatments because the cancer is growing so slowly. However, research shows this approach can be even more stressful for the patient than getting treatment. Studies have also found that patients experience more anxiety and depression after treatment than during it. It's clear that prostate cancer patients need support no matter what their prognosis or treatment plan is.