FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Nordex shares continue to show their robust side. After a positive start to the new financial year, they benefited on Wednesday from a major order from Sweden. Prior to this, the share price rose by 2.2 percent to EUR 10.75 on the Tradegate trading platform. This indicates on Xetra that the share price is jumping above the 100-day line. This is a popular indicator for the medium-term trend.

The investment company Renewable Capital Power had placed orders for four wind farms in Sweden with a total capacity of 553 megawatts by the end of 2023, Nordex announced. The volume corresponds to around a quarter of the orders received in the entire third quarter. In initial comments, traders also positively highlighted the fact that Nordex has also been entrusted with the maintenance of the turbines for 35 years./tih/jha/