Tokyo, Jan 12 (EFE).- The Japanese company Mitsubishi Heavy Industries on Friday launched an information-gathering satellite, Optical-8, into orbit using its H-II A rocket.

The rocket took off from the Japanese aerospace center of Tanegashima at 1:44 pm local time (4:48 GMT), the company said in a statement.

Mitsubishi Heavy confirmed that the satellite was successfully separated from the rocket and launched into orbit as scheduled.

"We would like to express our deep gratitude to all parties involved for their cooperation in the launch of H-IIA rocket number 48," the company said.

The Japanese Government's Optical-8 spy satellite is intended to collect security information through its optical devices.

The launch was the 48th carried out on an H-II A rocket developed by Mitsubishi Heavy and the Japanese Aerospace Agency (JAXA) since 2001.

Japan plans to stop using the rocket after two more launches and instead use the H-3 A rocket, although its implementation has been hampered after a failed first test launch in March last year.

Mitsubishi Heavy and JAXA have planned the new experimental launch of H-3 A on Feb. 15. EFE

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