PR Newswire/Les Echos/

Paris, January 16, 2009
N° 01-12

Maurel & Prom: a combined general meeting

In order to achieve enhanced reactivity and increased financial flexibility,
Maurel & Prom will soon invite its shareholders to attend an ordinary and
extraordinary general meeting. They will be called to vote on the renewal of
existing authorisations and to grant new financial delegations to the Board of

These delegations of competence and financial authorizations will allow the
board of directors to seize market opportunities in terms of investment and
refinancing which could appear from this beginning of year, without having to
wait for the annual general meeting planned for June.

Further information: 

PR Agency:
Clémentine Dourne
+ 33 1 44 82 67 01

Catherine Durand-Meddahi
+ 33 1 44 82 67 07

This press release may contain forward-looking statements with respect to the
financial condition, results of operations and business strategy of Maurel &
Prom. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risks and
uncertainties because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that
will or may occur in the future. These forward-looking statements are based on
assumptions which we believe are reasonable but that could ultimately prove
inaccurate and are subject to a number of risk factors, including, but not
limited to, price fluctuations in crude oil, exchange rate fluctuations,
uncertainties inherent in estimating quantities of oil reserves; actual future
production rates and associated costs; operational problems; political
stability; changes in laws and government regulations; wars and acts of
terrorism and sabotage.

Maurel & Prom is listed on Euronext Paris - compartment A - CAC mid 100 Index
Isin FR0000051070/ Bloomberg MAU.FP / Reuters MAUP.PA

MAU-VA-JAN09 n°01-12
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