605 pa1/2 15 July 2001


CorporatioflS Act 2001

Seclion 671B

Notice of ceasing to be a substantial holder

[Q_ Ccxnpany Narne/Sdl!!lne Mako Hydrocarbons à,CN/ARSN 33009218955

1. Details of substanllal holder(1)

:ame Oarryt Beresford

CN/ARSN (if applicable)

fhe holder ceased to be a

;ubslaruialholder cn

The p-evious nolice was glven lo th!compafl)' cn 23 f Oti ?.. o/ l--

fhe Pfevirus notice was daled ).o loC(I ,;?o iL

2. Changes in relevant interests

Particulars of each cnange irt o·change in lhe nature or. a relevant lnterest ,.1) oftlle substantialholder or an assoiate {31 invoting securities of tl1e oompany or scheme,since the
;ubstantial holder was last required 10 give a substantialholding notice to the wnpany or scheme are as follows:

Date of change

Person whose reiE>'Iant interest changed

Nature of

ct>ange {4)

.::onsidera tion g111eninrelation

10 cilmge(5)

Cias>(6) and rumbei of securities affected

Perscn's votes affecled


Darryl Beresford

sale on market




3. Changes in association

The pe who haVe become assoclates (3) of,ceased to be assoclates of, a have changed tre nab.Jre oftheir associalionnJ wi:h. the substantialholdér inrelation 10 voting interestS i111e company or scheme are as rollons:

Name an1ACNIARSI(if applicable)

Nattxe M assoc ation

4. Addresses

The addr ..es or persons named in thls Foro are as follow:

r ame



227MarkeriSt Mermaid Waters


Signature D ttCçOf-

p-int name P. BE R G ç(QJ{Ct) . capacily J) flTlh..c Pn LTJ}

sign here t. date !/ l (O ' L-O!l-

distributed by