
Royal Mail Group Limited

1 Royal Mail ESG Appendix 2023-24

ESG Appendix



This ESG Appendix accompanies our 22nd annual ESG Report which can be found here. Our ESG Report provides a high-level overview of Royal Mail Group's ESG programme and strategy, key governance tools, and information on our performance and activity throughout 2023-24.

The report details performance for the non-financial reporting year 2023-24, which started on 1 April 2023 and ended on 31 March 2024.

Our report is prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards for the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. The report was published 21 June 2024. Our GRI content index can be found on page 7 in this appendix.

We are a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact and work to meet its Principles. The report meets our UN Global Compact Communication on Progress requirements.

Our report continues to comply with legislation, investor and stakeholder expectations, and best practice. We are proud to be independently rated as a leading responsible business across international benchmarks including S&P CSA Global (Dow Jones Sustainability Index), CDP Climate Change, MSCI, EcoVadis and Morningstar Sustainalytics.

Royal Mail, the Cruciform, Parcelforce Worldwide and the Parcelforce Worldwide logo are registered trademarks of Royal Mail Group Limited. All rights reserved. International Distribution Services plc, registered in England and Wales, number 8680755. Registered office 185 Farringdon Road, London, EC1A 1AA.


Bureau Veritas UK Limited (Bureau Veritas) was engaged to provide limited assurance of select data for the year ending 31 March 2024.

We appreciate this independent verification of, and opinion on, our material data points and assertions, which are incorporated within our reported activity for the year. This comprehensive assurance process takes place throughout the year. It includes the sampling of key data points, testing of the systems and processes used to collect the data, interviews with senior managers, and site visits, as required, to gain an understanding

of the business and how our policies and processes are operationalised.

Bureau Veritas' independent assurance statement is available on our IDS website. Full definitions of the key performance indicators included within the scope of Bureau Veritas' assurance are available in our Reporting Criteria, which can also be accessed

via our IDS website.


We have printed a limited number of hard copies of this report in order to minimise waste.

An online version of this report and one accessible to those with disabilities is available to download on our IDS website.


We have a suite of reporting documents that support our ESG Report and Appendix. These are detailed below.

International Distribution Services plc

Annual Report and Financial Statements

Details statutory disclosures at plc level for both the Royal Mail

and GLS businesses, including our TCFD statement.

Royal Mail

Royal Mail

International Distribution

ESG Report

Gender Pay

Services plc

Modern Slavery

Annual progress against three key pillars

Gap Report





Data Pack

Key governance and

Annual breakdown

reporting standards

of ESG data


including GRI content




Statement covering

key ESG data

Reporting Criteria

Scope of assured

ESG data

All documents can be found here.

2 Royal Mail ESG Appendix 2023-24


ESG Appendix

The support of our stakeholders is crucial to our success and the ongoing sustainability of our business. We communicate proactively with our stakeholders to seek their views and understand their needs and expectations.

We have a wide range of stakeholders. They include our customers, investors, unions, communities, suppliers, politicians and regulators. We engage with these groups and others to obtain their views and better understand their needs and expectations.

We recognise two Trade Unions, the Communication Workers Union (CWU) and Unite/CMA, and maintaining a productive and cooperative working relationship with them is a core part of our strategy - noting membership levels of c.82% across our operational and administrative employee groups. The Business Recovery, Transformation and Growth Agreement concluded with the CWU in

July 2023 signals a positive step forward, and a joint programme of work across a range of areas that will enable improved operational performance.


We are committed to being as open and transparent as possible about our business. We communicate proactively with our stakeholders regularly. We seek to understand their perspectives about our business and our responsibilities. At the same time, we aim to help stakeholders gain a better understanding of our business, as well as our need to change.

Our stakeholder engagement programme has the following objectives:

  • To ensure that we continue to meet the needs of our customers, ensuring a modern and sustainable Universal Service.
  • To help to provide positive outcomes for local communities.
  • To demonstrate active and visible leadership in stakeholder engagement.
  • To earn and retain the trust of our external stakeholders and protect our brand.

We commit to disclosing full and accurate information, where this does not breach commercial confidentiality, and to disseminating Company information in a format that is accessible and understandable to stakeholders.

Royal Mail is a politically neutral organisation. As a matter of policy, we do not make donations to any political party. We engage with all politicians and other stakeholders across the political spectrum and at all levels to ensure they understand the value that our service provides, the impact our business has on their community and the relevant issues for our industry.

We appreciate all feedback from our stakeholders. If you would like to get in touch, please contact the Royal Mail public affairs team via the following channels:

Post: Royal Mail Public Affairs Team, Royal Mail, 185 Farringdon Road, LONDON EC1A 1AA


Telephone: 0345 2660583

3 Royal Mail ESG Appendix 2023-24

ESG Appendix



In addition to regular communication with our stakeholders, we conduct an in-depth materiality assessment every two years to help prioritise the ESG topics that are most important to our business and our stakeholders. Our most recent assessment took place early in 2023. We review results of these assessments annually.

In early 2023, we worked with SLR, an independent sustainability and ESG consultancy, to conduct the assessment. Our assessment used the double materiality approach, recommended by the Global Reporting Initiative, which considers our impact on people and the environment through the issues, as well as the impact of the issues on our business. Through this approach, we can understand why issues are important according to whether they pose a high financial risk or opportunity to the business, and if the business has a potentially high impact on an issue.

Our materiality assessment process includes issues identification, identifying and engaging stakeholders and matrix development and validation. In total, 14 issues were identified for inclusion in the assessment.

The issues list draw from our enterprise risk management and annual reporting processes, media analysis, ESG indices, as well as investor, industry body, and wider responsible business research studies.

The resulting materiality matrix uses the qualitative and quantitative inputs from engagement with our internal and external stakeholders to identify which of these issues are the most material to our business, from both a financial and impact materiality perspective.

The results of our materiality assessment have been signed off by Jenny Hall, Director of Corporate Affairs at Royal Mail.

For more information on the 2023 assessment, please see page 2 of our

2022-23 ESG Appendix which can be found on our IDS website.

















Climate Change &

Emissions Reduction

Labour Standards &

Human Rights

Stewardship of

the Environment






Health & Safety

Diversity, Equity


Employee Engagement

& Inclusion


& Culture1

Operational Model



Skills &




& Ethics

Impact materiality



Financial materiality

Highest impact





1 In 2023-24 we reviewed our materiality matrix and adjusted the position of 'Employee Engagement & Culture' to have a higher impact on our business. We understand the impact that Industrial Action has had on our employee engagement and that this is a concern for our stakeholders. Details on how we are addressing this can be found in our 2023-24ESG Report onpage 28.

4 Royal Mail ESG Appendix 2023-24

ESG Appendix


Our ESG governance framework

defines key responsibilities and

authorities used to identify and

manage our ESG programme,

in addition to the Company's key

ESG risks and opportunities.

The IDS CEO, supported by the Royal Mail Executive


plc Board

The International Distribution Services (IDS) plc Board is responsible for setting the objectives and strategy for the Group and for monitoring performance and risk management. The Board is committed to ensuring that it provides effective leadership and promotes uncompromising ethical standards, setting the tone for the Company. The Board receives regular updates on Royal Mail's ESG activities. Maria da Cunha, the designated Non-Executive Director for engagement with the workforce during the year, is also a member of the ESG Committee.

ESG Committee

Board and ESG subject matter experts, takes


strategic decisions on ESG matters and is responsible

for ensuring that effective risk management processes

are in place with respect to climate-related risks

and opportunities.

The IDS ESG Committee, a sub-committee of the IDS plc Board, oversees Royal Mail's ESG performance and strategic direction.

The ESG Committee meets four times a year with the CEOs of IDS, Royal Mail and GLS, members of the Executive Board with areas of ESG responsibility, and the ESG teams for both Royal Mail and GLS.

The Committee has a remit across ESG topics including the environment and the suitability of processes in place to manage climate-related risks and opportunities, health and safety, culture and engagement, diversity, equity, and inclusion, supporting our communities including vulnerable customers, and upholding human rights in our business and supply chain.

The Committee also has an interest in Royal Mail's external ESG ratings and how the company engages with its stakeholders. The Committee reviews relevant ESG KPIs at each meeting.

Further details on the Committee and terms of reference can be found on the IDS website.

Royal Mail (Business level)

Executive Sponsor

The IDS Director of Investor Relations is the Group-level sponsor for ESG.

Royal Mail Executive Board

Individual members of the Executive Board

- Angela Noon, Chief Financial Officer, is

- Matthew Newman, Chief Legal Officer,

are responsible for strands of ESG activity,

responsible for delivering our supply chain

is responsible for health and safety,

as follows:

sustainability strategy, including supply

whistleblowing and compliance.

- Jenny Hall, Director of Corporate Affairs, is

chain decarbonisation and risk management.

- Alistair Cochrane, Chief Operating Officer, is

- Hayley Jones-Penny, Interim Chief People

responsible for the implementation of ESG

responsible for shaping and implementing

Officer, is responsible for the employee

related strategies across the operation

the Royal Mail ESG strategy, including the

strands of our ESG strategy, including culture

and fleet.

environmental and community investment

and engagement, health, diversity, equity and


- Steve Potts, Chief Information Officer, is


responsible for cyber security and privacy


Royal Mail ESG team

The team of subject matter experts drives the development, implementation, engagement and reporting of the Royal Mail ESG strategy and performance.

5 Royal Mail ESG Appendix 2023-24


ESG Appendix

Our approach to ethical business conduct is set out through our wide- ranging business policies. We are committed to operating with integrity and the highest of ethical standards to protect our valued place in society. Our overarching business policies set out our approach to responsible business conduct and integrity.

Customers, investors, governments and a growing number of other stakeholder groups increasingly require companies to have, and execute, an ESG strategy which is supported by robust and credible ambitions and targets.

All of our policies are available to employees via our Intranet and People System portal. Key policies are available externally on our IDS website.

Our Business Standards describe the behaviours we expect to see from all colleagues to ensure we all comply with the law, behave in the right way and treat those around us with respect. We regularly engage our employees around Our Business Standards through our internal communications channels.

In addition, this year, as part of our Change for Good campaign, Our Business Standards booklet was refreshed and re-launched to ensure the guidance was clearer and more accessible for colleagues. The new format categorises Our Business Standards into three key categories focused on doing the right thing for the customer, for each other, and for the business.

The new version was launched as part of the Change for Good campaign in February and was supported by a robust communications campaign utilising all our internal channels; this included videos by senior leaders, new animations on the standards and wide-reachingon-screen displays to bring the campaign messaging to life in a meaningful way.

The Our Business Standards booklet is available online, on both our internal and external websites, and on the Royal Mail People App. All new UK employees receive a copy of the standards and these are discussed during employee inductions within the first eight weeks of joining. For managers, we issue annual refresher training which includes an attestation to confirm that they understand and agree to comply with Our Business Standards.

Most policies are owned and apply to Royal Mail Group. However, we do have some IDS level policies that apply to both Royal Mail and GLS. Those policies are marked 'IDS' opposite.


ESG policy statement (IDS): Our policy statement sets out our commitment to making a positive contribution to society and is aligned to our Group ESG Principles.

Our Business Standards: Outlines the values and standards of behaviour we expect from our people.

Health and Safety policy: Our commitment to managing health and safety risks, removing or reducing the likelihood of injury or harm to our employees or others.

Environment and Energy policy: Our approach to responsible management of natural resources, climate change mitigation and adaptation, along with our commitments to pollution prevention, biodiversity and protection of the environment.

People policy: A single policy statement which sets out our overarching commitment to colleagues throughout their employment with Royal Mail. The People policy is supported by People procedures covering a range of topics including recognition, parental leave, learning and development, and raising grievances.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion statement: Our commitment to ensuring Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are at the heart of our business values, policies, processes and everyday practices.

Supplier Code of Conduct: Based on the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, the Code sets out the social, ethical and environmental conduct we expect from our suppliers.

Policy for the Prevention of Bribery, Corruption and the Facilitation of Tax Evasion: Sets out our approach to minimising the risk of bribery and corruption taking place in any part of our business.

Privacy Notice: Details how we collect and use personal data and privacy rights.

6 Royal Mail ESG Appendix 2023-24

ESG Appendix


The effective management of our ESG risks is critical to our long-term sustainability and to promote a sound control environment, in which we seek to identify, assess and manage risks that could impact our business.

ESG risks are managed through our IDS group-wide risk management framework. The IDS Board has overall accountability for overseeing the operation of sound risk management and internal control systems and, on an annual basis, assess their effectiveness. It has delegated responsibility for this to the Group Audit and Risk Committee (the ARC). The ARC is supported by the Royal Mail Audit and Risk Committee, while Royal Mail management is responsible for the management of specific risks and developing mitigation actions.

IDS principal risks are those that have been identified as having the potential to cause a significant impact on the Group. They could threaten the Group business model, the execution of the strategy and the creation of sustainable value for our stakeholders. IDS's current principal risks can be found on pages 52 to 58 of the IDS Annual Report and Financial Statements 2023-24.

Our principal risks are assessed by the IDS Board on a bi-annual basis and monitored by the ARC across the year. Emerging risks are identified throughout the year and formally assessed by the ARC annually. The IDS Board confirms that robust risk assessments were completed during the financial year. Further information on how principal risks are identified, analysed and managed can be found on pages 49 to 51 of the IDS Annual Report and Financial Statements 2023-24.

For Royal Mail, our approach to key risk areas is detailed opposite.


Risks associated with each supplier are assessed based on the supplier location, size and contract value, business sector and scope, and recorded on the key governance documents relating to contracting.

We ensure that risks, opportunities, and objectives related to our ESG agenda are included within the strategies for each of our supplier categories.

We do not contract with sanctioned entities. The GAN Integrity service is also used to monitor all suppliers against the UK Treasury sanctions list, and EU and US sanctions databases, with updates checked daily. During 2023-24, no suppliers were found to have been in breach of sanctions. The scale of checks on new and existing suppliers has been stepped up in response to sanctions being progressively tightened as a result of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

GAN Integrity screening is also deployed for all risk areas (Social/Ethical/Environmental) for suppliers where material risks have been identified, over and above the sanctions screening applied to all suppliers.

We regularly review the supply chain risk profile to ensure that we are identifying new risks and setting out mitigating actions, including an annual review of our Modern Slavery risk profile. During 2023-24, we have seen a continuing high level of external supply chain risks, particularly for the global elements of our supply chain. The Russia/Ukraine conflict and instability in the Middle East have resulted in resource bottlenecks for commodities and manufactured products and/or impacts on major supply routes including the Red Sea. Our Supply Chain Risks are carefully managed and pro-actively acted upon to avoid business disruption.

After a contract is awarded, and risk assessment is carried out, the high-risk suppliers will have a supplier management plan put in place to manage and mitigate these risks and any further risks that might be identified.

For some suppliers, we may require third-party audits. The results, including the remediation plans and evidence of completion, are reported via the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (Sedex) platform or directly to Royal Mail. Sedex allows us to track our suppliers' ESG performance as well as conduct third-party audits to ensure their accuracy of disclosure. We also make use of the Sedex 'RADAR' risk identification tool and the Sedex e-learning modules for Procurement managers.


We recognise climate change as a key global threat, and one that poses particular risks and opportunities for our business. Identifying these risks and opportunities enables us to enhance the resilience of the business and take advantage of the opportunities it may offer. IDS is committed to implementing the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) established by the Financial Stability Board.

During the year we made further progress against these recommendations and continued to evolve our business, strategy and financial planning processes to take account of our climate-related risks and opportunities. IDS is consistent with ten of the eleven TCFD recommendations, and partially consistent with the TCFD recommended disclosures relating to the impact of climate-related risks and opportunities on business, strategy and financial planning.

We aim to be consistent with this final recommendation by no later than March 2025 and have made further progress in the year. We have embedded carbon considerations into the workstreams of our ongoing transformation programme and begun the process of establishing an internal price for carbon, which will be used to reflect the commercial benefits and risks of carbon impacts across different parts of the business, including financial planning and day-to-day business decision making.

In 2024-25 we plan to review and update our analysis of our climate-related risks and opportunities our business faces over the short, medium, and long term. For more information, please see the full IDS TCFD statement on pages 41 to 48 in the IDS Annual Report and Financial Statements 2023-24.


In relation to modern slavery risks, each business unit is asked to confirm that Royal Mail recruitment processes are followed when recruiting new workers (including flexible resource) and procurement processes are followed when onboarding new suppliers and third parties, as these are critical controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place in our business or supply chains. Material instances of non-compliance are followed up on if appropriate by the Compliance & Ethics team.

Our compliance risk assessments include questions on human rights and modern slavery. The identified risk of human rights violations in our business has been assessed as being low. Our focus has been on agency, contract, and supply chain workers, where human rights issues are most likely to potentially arise. Potential issues could include forced labour, substandard working conditions, fair wages, discrimination, freedom of association and collective bargaining, health and safety, and privacy.

As a responsible business, we are committed to playing our part to help eliminate these risks. To prevent these issues, we closely monitor our supply chain and customers by systematically carrying out detailed due diligence and screening processes, site audits and risk assessments.

In 2023-24, our assessments found that no incidents regarding human rights took place. Concerns related to modern slavery or concerns about human rights violations can be raised by anyone, internal or external, confidentially to our Speak Up helpline available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

7 Royal Mail ESG Appendix 2023-24

ESG Appendix



We report in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Framework.

Our 2023-24 ESG Report has been prepared in

In addition, we refer to page numbers within our

accordance with the GRI Standards for the period

2023-24 ESG Data Pack, Assurance Statement,

1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. This table includes

Reporting Criteria and the IDS Annual Report and

references to our 2023-24 ESG Report, these are

Financial Statements 2023-24, marked 'ARA'.

marked 'ESGR' and our ESG Appendix (this

document), marked 'ESGRAPP'.

All documents can be found here and here.


Statement of use

Royal Mail has reported in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

GRI 1 used

GRI 1: Foundation 2021

Applicable GRI Sector Standard(s)


GRI Standard




General disclosures

GRI Standard


Page number(s) and/or links

Explanation or Omission

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021

2-1 Organizational details


ARA 1, 237

2-2 Entities included in the organization's


sustainability reporting


Reporting Criteria 1-2

2-3 Reporting period, frequency and contact point


ARA 40, 62


2-4 Restatements of information

ESG Data Pack and Reporting Criteria


2-5 External assurance


Royal Mail Group Ltd 2023-24 Assurance Statement

8 Royal Mail ESG Appendix 2023-24

ESG Appendix

GRI Standard




General disclosures

GRI Standard


Page number(s) and/or links

Explanation or Omission

2-6 Activities, value chain and other

ESGR 2, 47

2-6d: Not applicable -

business relationships

ARA 1, 14-15

no significant changes

2-7 Employees

ESG Data Pack 8, 10

ESG Reporting Criteria 14

ARA 188

2-8 Workers who are not employees

ESG Data Pack 8

2-9 Governance structure and composition

ARA 82-85

ESG Data Pack 10-11

2-10 Nomination and selection of the highest

ARA 91-94

governance body

2-11 Chair of the highest governance body

ARA 82, 86

2-12 Role of the highest governance body in

ARA 85-90

overseeing the management of impacts


2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing

ARA 104-105



2-14 Role of the highest governance body in

ARA 104-105

sustainability reporting


2-15 Conflicts of interest

ARA 40, 78, 88

2-16 Communication of critical concerns

ARA 22-23, 90


2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest

ARA 42, 81

governance body

2-18 Evaluation of the performance of the highest

ARA 81, 91

governance body

2-19 Remuneration policies

ARA 113-124, 126

2-20 Process to determine remuneration

ARA 85, 106-112

2-21 Annual total compensation ratio

ARA 123-125

9 Royal Mail ESG Appendix 2023-24

ESG Appendix

GRI Standard




General disclosures

GRI Standard


Page number(s) and/or links

Explanation or Omission

2-22 Statement on sustainable development



2-23 Policy commitments

ARA 40, 76-78


Our Business Standards

IDS plc Matters Reserved for the Board 4, 6

Modern Slavery Act Statement

2-24 Embedding policy commitments

ARA 27, 39-40,104-105


IDS ESG Policy Statement

2-25 Processes to remediate negative impacts

ESGR 21, 43

ARA 22-23, 90, 104-105

IDS ESG Policy Statement

Modern Slavery Act Statement

2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising



ARA 39, 76, 78

Speak Up (reporting) policy

2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations

ARA 56, 189

ESG Data Pack 6

2-28 Membership associations


2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagement

ARA 22-23,89-90



2-30 Collective bargaining agreements


ARA 120

Modern Slavery Act Statement 5


  • Original Link
  • Original Document
  • Permalink


International Distributions Services plc published this content on 21 June 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 21 June 2024 09:58:09 UTC.