iA Financial Group announced the launch of a critical illness insurance product designed for a younger clientele with a quick application process and affordable rates. TRANSITION – 4 illnesses covers the four most common critical illnesses and the benefit can be used to replace lost income or pay back a mortgage loan. The TRANSITION – 4 illnesses enrolment process has been significantly improved. Applicants are only required to answer eight simple medical questions. Electronic signature is authorized and in many cases, enrolment is instantaneous, meaning the client is covered immediately, thus making advisors' work easier. iA Financial Group has also made meaningful improvements to its Transition – 25 illnesses critical illness insurance product, including the addition of 25-year term insurance and flexible premium repayment options giving the client access to liquidity as early as the fifth year, as well as a reduction of rates for all term coverage. Finally, all clients who choose TRANSITION or TRANSITION – 4 illnesses will benefit, at no additional cost, from a medical second opinion service offered by MediGuide, a world leader in the field.