Business description: Gruvaktiebolaget Viscaria

Gruvaktiebolaget Viscaria, formerly Copperstone Resources AB (publ) is a Sweden-based company engaged in the mining industry. The Company's s operations are primarily focused on the extraction of copper through the reopening of the Viscaria mine in Kiruna. Viscaria is a rich deposit and is expected to become one of the biggest copper producers in Europe when mining starts. Minerals such as zinc, gold, silver and cobalt are also included in the Company's portfolio of assets. In addition to Viscaria, Copperstone owns two other mineral development projects in Sweden in Arvidsjaur and in Smedjebacken. The Company consists of the wholly owned subsidiaries Copperstone Tvistbo AB, Copperstone Viscaria AB, Copperstone Incentive AB, and Copperstone Arvidsjaur AB.

Number of employees: 31

Sales by Activity: Gruvaktiebolaget Viscaria

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023

Evaluation of Mineral Resources

10.33M 41.24M 110M 185M 261M
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Geographical breakdown of sales: Gruvaktiebolaget Viscaria

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023


10.33M 41.24M 110M 185M 261M
See all geographic segments

Managers: Gruvaktiebolaget Viscaria

Director TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 64 2023-09-03
Director of Finance/CFO 46 2023-03-31
Corporate Officer/Principal - 2022-12-31
Chief Executive Officer 52 2018-12-19

Members of the board: Gruvaktiebolaget Viscaria

Manager TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member 70 2019-05-13
Director/Board Member 65 2020-09-28
Chairman 64 2020-04-30
Director/Board Member 60 2019-12-31
Director/Board Member 66 2021-10-31
Director/Board Member 63 2021-12-31
Chairman 56 2023-09-03
Director/Board Member 56 2023-09-26
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: Gruvaktiebolaget Viscaria

12,816,985 11.86 % 25 M kr
JRS Asset Management AB
4.743 %
5,126,574 4.743 % 10 M kr
3.284 %
3,550,000 3.284 % 7 M kr
3,324,493 3.075 % 6 M kr
3,233,493 2.991 % 6 M kr

Company details: Gruvaktiebolaget Viscaria

Gruvaktiebolaget Viscaria

Österleden 24 A

981 38, Kiruna

+46 7 05 73 97 77
address Gruvaktiebolaget Viscaria(VISC)

Integrated Mining

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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
-0.41%-3.70%-23.53%-15.66% 194M
+0.55%+1.33%-12.83%-14.58% 128B
-0.20%+2.43%-6.84%-9.17% 106B
+1.23%+2.05%-11.11%-12.29% 53.62B
+4.05%+2.87%+5.81%+61.44% 50.76B
+2.02%+2.16%+16.54%+17.16% 39.54B
+0.35%+3.32%+40.17%-27.30% 36.96B
+0.20%+0.96%+16.78%+43.93% 21.81B
-0.64%-2.16%+39.46%+31.84% 21.38B
+2.72%+3.26%+61.46%+24.76% 19.77B
Average +0.99%+1.68%+12.59%+10.01% 47.87B
Weighted average by Cap. +0.96%+2.18%+3.93%+2.94%
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