The board of directors of Global Link Communications Holdings Limited announced that Mr. Hu Zhi Jian has tendered his resignation as an executive director with effect from 16 December 2014 due to pursuit of other business commitment. Mr. Hu Tiejun has been re-designated from independent non-executive director to the executive director and, ipso facto, ceased to be the chairman of the audit committee, remuneration committee and nomination committee of the company with effect from 16 December 2014. Mr. Hu, aged 64, was appointed as independent non-executive Director in November 2002.

Mr. Hu is now a marketing director of WIMAX Forum. Pursuant to Mr. Hu's service agreement with the company, Mr. Hu has been appointed for an initial term of two years commencing from 16 December 2014. Mr. Ma Yuanguang was appointed as the chief executive officer of the company with effect from 16 December 2014 and continued to be an executive director and chairman of the company.

Mr. Ma, aged 60, is the co-founder of the group and is also the chairman of the Board. Mr. Ma is responsible for the overall strategic planning of the group and he has over thirty years' experience in the telecommunications industry. Prior to joining the Group, Mr. Ma had the experience of managing a state-owned telecommunications system production enterprise for eight years.

The board announced that Mr. Liu Kejun has been appointed as an independent non-executive director, chairman of nomination committee and members of both the audit committee and remuneration committee of the company with effect from 16 December 2014. The board further announced that Mr. Leung Kwok Keung was appointed as the chairman of both the audit committee and the remuneration committee with effect from 16 December 2014.