Hagens Berman and Hilliard Muñoz and Gonzales LLP (HMG), co-lead counsel representing owners of General Motors vehicles in the series of GM ignition switch bellwether trials issued a statement following the dismissal of a plaintiff’s case against GM.

This week, during the first of several bellwether trials set to help parties achieve a settlement, GM filed a motion to add witnesses and submit evidence that would allegedly demonstrate that the plaintiff had committed a fraud on the court, according to the firm.

“Today, the plaintiff has chosen to dismiss his case,” the firm stated. “Notwithstanding this decision, we believe the evidence against GM remains strong and look forward to continuing to represent other plaintiffs in this landmark litigation.”

Hagens Berman’s managing partner, Steve Berman, added, “Until this point in the trial, we were entirely confident in the outcome, and it is nothing short of a disappointment that this happened,” he said. “We believe that the fact of the matter remains: that GM is still at fault for a deadly defect that it attempted to conceal. And we are certain that this will not affect the outcome of future bellwether cases.”

“To have any trial end in such an unexpected and unforeseen way is disappointing. Especially one such as this where the concerns regarding the underlying safety of certain GM’s vehicles are legitimate and real,” said Bob Hilliard, of Hilliard Muñoz and Gonzales LLP. “A jury’s decision regarding the existence of a defect will have to wait until the next trial. I’m looking forward to continuing this MDL litigation and getting ready for the next case.”

About Hagens Berman

Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP is a consumer-rights class-action law firm with offices in 10 cities. The firm has been named to the National Law Journal’s Plaintiffs’ Hot List eight times. More about the law firm and its successes can be found at www.hbsslaw.com. Follow the firm for updates and news at @ClassActionLaw.

About HMG

Hilliard Muñoz and Gonzales LLP (HMG) specializes in mass torts, personal injury, product liability, commercial and business litigation, and wrongful death. HMG has been successfully representing clients in the United States and Mexico since 1986. Bob Hilliard obtained the Largest Verdict in the country in 2012 and the #1 verdict in Texas in 2013. More about the firm can be found at www.hmglawfirm.com. Follow the firm for updates and news at @hmglawfirmcc.