The list of 100 richest people on Vietnam stock market was released by right after the last session in the afternoon of December 31. Accordingly, FPT has many leaders in this list.

Three FPT leaders are ranked among the top 100 richest people on VN stock market.

With VND 921.254 billion, FPT Chairman Truong Gia Binh ranks the 15th in the list. CEO Bui Quang Ngoc holds the 22nd with some VND 536.244 billion, up 12 levels. Chairman of FPT IS Do Cao Bao ranks the 74th with VND 151.175 billion.

In comparison to the 2012 ranking, positions of FPT leaders have increased 6, 12 and 16 levels respectively.

Some other FPT leaders namely Truong Thanh Thanh, Nguyen Thanh Nam, Le Quang Tien, Hoang Minh Chau are absent from this year's ranking. However, they are listed among Top 200 richest people on VN stock market launched by Cafe F.

In general, the stock market has a year of prosperity. Impacts of macroeconomic policies and return of foreign capital flows have created many waves, making Vietnam become one of 10 rapid - growth markets in the world. VN - Index increased 22 % while the HNX - Index raised 13 % compared to the end of 2012.

The list of top 100 richest people by is built on the basis of aggregate data and published information of more than 700 enterprises listed on Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchanges. This is the 8th consecutive year has published this list.

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