What makes Cit'Ease™the right management solution for tomorrow's cities?

"In practical terms, Cit'Ease™ is a collaborative system of today that allows us to anticipate the challenges of tomorrow! It has been designed to meet the needs not only of councilors and municipal services, but also of citizens. Its purpose is to provide a better understanding of the multitude of data generated by a city, so that everyone can have the clear overview needed to deliver optimum urban operation. This management indicator control panel is completely personalizable, totally unique and fully cross-functional, because it allows users to access and use data generated by other collaborators. Having a clearer picture of expenditure on energy, water or waste, for example, is a major challenge for Smart cities, and Cit'Ease™ contributes to that knowledge".

What has CRIGEN been able to contribute to this project?

"Working through the GDF SUEZ Research and Innovation City and Building of Tomorrow program, CRIGEN focused on building the strategic indicators and tools required to gather and cross-reference the mass of data that provides input for the Cit'Ease™ solution. The purpose of this collaborative service is to convert the mass of raw data into efficient applications designed to meet the needs of individual users.

In this way, it will be possible to compare energy consumption district-by-district in order to take effective action where discrepancies are revealed. But this is only one example amongst many. Every city has its own problems, and the power of Cit'Ease™ lies in its ability to offer a response that is personal to every user".

Is Cit'Ease™ already in operational use?

"We're currently working on a prototype version of the configurator developed specifically for smartphones and tablet computers. Industrial development is slated for 2014".

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