Endesa has just launched a new website containing specific content on the distribution business, www.endesadistribucion.es, with the aim of offering all users more information on Endesa's electricity distribution network.

The website is interactive, and as well as providing information it can be used to perform tasks online relating to new connections, meter reading, CHP/renewables (connection requests and metering equipment work orders), reporting faults, information on and management of power control switches, who to contact, etc.

The new website boasts a section on incidents that can be accessed to confirm if faults detected affect the entire grid or just particular installations and find out how the user should respond, providing a list of telephone numbers.

It also presents basic data on grid facilities and information on metering equipment and work related thereto, which may be of interest and boosts user knowledge, along with ample content on safety.

The section on smart grids is especially noteworthy, providing content on the latest technologies and research and presenting the company's flagship projects in this field: Malaga Smartcity, Barcelona Smarcity, Bùzios Smartcity (Brazil) and Santiago Smartcity (Chile). Useful information is also available on remote management and the plan to replace old meters with new smart meters which the company has been rolling out since 2009, focusing especially on the benefits this plan offers customers who play a new active role in the power distribution system.

Endesa has worked hard to design a modern and user-friendly website, in keeping with the times and modern design standards, both in terms of graphics and usability.

In terms of technology, the aim was to create a platform for a constantly evolving environment and informational structure, simplifying the task of editing and updating content and services.

The website stands out for the true accessibility it offers any user, regardless of their physical condition or circumstances, age or the technology they are using, in line with the social responsibility policies pursued by the company in all its operations.

Endesa's policy is to strive for excellence and to position itself at the forefront of sustainability, corporate responsibility and corporate governance, holding these to be of absolute importance and seeking at all times to adopt best practices and conform with national and international guidelines on such issues.

The new website provides content in Spanish and Catalan, thus opening up a larger target audience, while all videos are also subtitled in both languages.

This new website forms part of the online corporate strategy affecting all group webpages, in line with the same policy of adapting to existing needs and current possibilities.

Endesa's various domains, such as the corporate website Endesa.com and other websites providing users with additional information, can also be accessed from this new website. These include the specific smart grid website, endesasmartgrids; Endesaeduca, a quality education initiative, set up to raise awareness of energy sustainability and efficiency issues, and Twenergy, Endesa's website promoting energy efficiency. All these websites can also be accessed through the corporate website.

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