BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - In the wage dispute with Deutsche Post, the trade union Verdi has again called for warning strikes on Friday. Employees in selected plants in the parcel and mail centers as well as in the parcel, mail and group delivery are to take part in the all-day work stoppages, Verdi announced. On Thursday, according to the information, about 6,000 employees had entered the warning strike; in the past week, about 30,000 employees had participated from Thursday evening to Saturday.

The union, citing high inflation, is demanding a 15 percent increase in wages and salaries for Deutsche Post AG pay scale employees for a contract period of one year. The remuneration for trainees is to be increased by 200 euros per month. According to the information, the collective bargaining negotiations will be continued on February 8 and 9./pn/DP/zb