According to analysts, Deutsche Bank's long series of quarterly profits may have come to an end this spring.

Financial experts surveyed by the German banking leader expect an average loss of 281 million euros for the second quarter, according to analysts' estimates published by the bank on its website on Monday. Including the opening quarter of this year, the Frankfurt-based bank had reported a bottom-line profit for 15 consecutive quarters. On average, however, analysts also expect the bank to have posted a pre-tax profit of 394 million euros in the second quarter. Deutsche Bank declined to comment.

At the end of April, the financial institution had announced provisions of 1.3 billion euros for the second quarter in connection with a protracted legal dispute with shareholders of the acquired Postbank. This conflict has been smouldering for more than a decade. A year ago, Deutsche Bank posted a net profit of 763 million euros in the second quarter.

The bank plans to publish its quarterly figures on July 24.

(Report by Tom Sims, Frank Siebelt; Edited by Ralf Banser; If you have any questions, please contact our editorial team at (for politics and the economy) or (for companies and markets).)