Carnavale Resources Limited has commenced a passive seismic survey (survey) at Grey Dam to determine the depth of cover associated with 5 nickel /copper soil anomalies identified by the earlier UFF soil sampling program. The survey will be followed up by a ground EM survey aiming to delineate direct drilling targets. The mafic /ultramafic sequence at Grey Dam is located immediately along strike and is the same geological sequence
that hosts the new Kambalda style, nickel sulphide Emu Lake discovery recently reported by Ardea. The new Emu Lake discovery demonstrates the nickel sulphide fertility of the mafic ultramafic sequence. The northern area of the Grey Dam Project is covered by transported sheetwash and alluvial material that has deterred previous explorers from investigating this terrain as it was difficult to explore the area using traditional soil sampling techniques. UFF soil sampling is a sensitive new exploration technique that is being evaluated by CSIRO and explorers to successfully target mineralization under areas of cover.