17 Jan 2014

  • Aviva data predicts the year ahead for accidents, damage and crime

As plans, resolutions and predictions are made for 2014, Aviva has been delving into 10 years' worth of claims data to reveal the key times of the year when people should take extra care in their homes and cars.

We might have had weeks of stormy weather, but traditionally January sees the highest number of water leaks as freezing temperatures cause burst pipes.

As we head into February, we find that Valentine's Day is one of the worst days of the year for car theft and house burglaries with a 12% and 9% increase respectively compared to an average day - couples enjoying a romantic night out is the likely reason for this rise. Cars are the target again in March as motor thefts rise by 14% on Mothering Sunday.

Easter Sunday sees a 7% increase in accidental damage claims compared to an average Sunday, with children at home and on holiday a likely contributor. However household fires drop by 17% as the weather gets brighter and warmer and people head out for Easter lunch rather than cooking at home.

May Day also sees an increase in accidental damage claims, up by 10%, as people spend more time at home - spilt drinks and damaged IT equipment are common claims. But as houses are full of families, burglaries drop by 14%. The bank holiday also brings more bikers on to the roads and sadly that leads to 35% more motor bike accidents compared to a normal day.

In June Fathers' Day sees a rise of 11% in accidental damage claims as dads play with their new toys.  However there is a drop of 23% in fire claims as families head out to celebrate.

Wimbledon and major football tournaments in July bring a sharp increase in broken window claims - up 20%.  In addition, July 7th is also the third worst day of the year for burglaries, up 12% on average as the light and warm evenings lead to more doors and windows being left open.

With the school summer break about to end, August bank holiday sees an increase in accidents in the home (up 10%) as the kids take their last chance for hi-jinks before they go back to school!

As the new term begins, September brings a drop in accidental damage incidents by 6%, but as the evenings turn darker, it's burglaries that start to cause the problems again - household thefts rise by 5% in the week the clocks go back in October and Halloween sees malicious damage rise by 160%. And as the roads get darker and icier car accidents rise by an average of 30% in the week British Winter Time begins.

Those burglar figures peak in November with Bonfire Night the worst day of the year for burglary and car theft (up 22% and 20%) as families go out to enjoy the celebrations.  It is also one of the worst days of the year for fire claims - up 60%.

And during the December yuletide season, Christmas Day sees the worst increase in fire claims, up by 120%. However, you're least likely to be burgled on Christmas Day and Boxing Day when even thieves take a couple of days off.  And the five safest days for motor theft are from Christmas Day to December 29th. 

Caroline Cooper, director of property claims at Aviva said:  "Although it's impossible to predict what 2014 has in store for us it's interesting to see how the time of year has an impact on the type of claims we see.

"From the romance of Valentine's Day ruined by burglaries and car theft, to broken windows during major sporting events, kids running riot in the summer holidays and the numerous risks when the clocks go back, our data highlights the change in risks throughout the year.

"And, although dramatic weather events like storm and flooding can have an impact at any time, it's clear that there are some incidents that are more likely to happen on specific dates.  So heed the warnings and stay safe whatever the season."

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If you are a journalist and would like further information, please contact:

John Franklin : Aviva Press Office : 01603680795: john.s.franklin@aviva.co.uk

Notes to editors:

All statistics based on 10 years worth of Aviva claims data - 2004-2013

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