Piazza Affari consolidates positions after yesterday's rally.

U.S. markets are back in operation today. The main event on the macro front is the update on the dynamics of the U.S. labor market, among the main indicators the Federal Reserve looks to in adjusting the cost of money.

Wall Street analysts are betting on the creation of 190,000 new jobs last month, down sharply from 272,000 in May, with the unemployment rate stable at 4 percent.

the outcome of the U.K. election saw as expected the overwhelming victory of Labour.

Around 9:35 a.m., the Ftse Mib index marks a rise of 0.37 percent to end a positive week for the stock market.

Few cues to report at the moment. Heavy is Amplifon, which retreats 5.5 percent with investors boulder-selling the stock ahead of its July 30 results. Equita, in light of an expected lackluster second quarter for the European market, cut its organic estimates for the quarter and full year 2024. "We think Amplifon may have experienced similar organic growth as in the first quarter and have therefore reduced our estimate from +7.9 percent to +5.5 percent. Over the year, we reduce our revenue estimate by 1.2 percent to 2.444 billion," writes the broker, who confirms the target of 34 euros per share.

Leonardo gains 0.7% and confirms bullish phase after agreement yesterday with Germany's Rheinmetall to create a new 50/50 joint venture in the field of land defense systems.

Banks quieter today, positive Saipem up 1.4%. Money also on Stm at +2%.

(Giancarlo Navach, editing Andrea Mandalà)