WIESBADEN (dpa-AFX) - In view of the flooding in southern Germany, Hesse's Minister President Boris Rhein is calling for the rapid introduction of compulsory insurance against damage caused by natural forces. The CDU politician told the German Press Agency that the federal government must move and finally introduce compulsory insurance. "We can all see that extreme weather events are increasing."

"Natural disasters such as storms or storms must neither drive people to financial ruin nor burden all taxpayers to the full extent," said the Chairman of the Conference of Minister Presidents (MPK). "We states will therefore put the issue back on the table on June 20 at the next MPK under Hesse's chairmanship and demand movement from the federal government."

More than a year ago, the federal states had already called on the federal government via the Bundesrat to submit a proposal for a federal regulation on the introduction of compulsory insurance. According to the Federal Ministry of Justice, a federal-state working group set up later for this purpose is now to present a result by the next meeting of the state premiers with Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) on June 20. The group will then discuss this./mar/DP/stw