HERZOGENAURACH (dpa-AFX) - The sporting goods manufacturer Puma will present its figures for the past financial year on Tuesday. CEO Arne Freundt will present the balance sheet with mixed feelings: On the one hand, according to the preliminary figures, the company has achieved the targets it set itself in its 75th year of existence. On the other hand, hyperinflation in Argentina has had a considerable impact on the results.

According to the preliminary figures presented in January, net profit fell by 14 percent to just 305 million euros. Currency-adjusted turnover rose by seven percent to 8.6 billion euros. Freundt also sees further challenges for the current year due to volatile currencies and the major geopolitical situation.

Rival Adidas will also present its figures in two weeks' time. Adidas had also cited the currency problems with the Argentinian peso as a reason for less favorable business development./dm/DP/jha