zvelo, Inc. has announced the general availability of its zveloCAT(TM) content categorization engine. zveloCAT provides real-time content and context categorization of clickstream web pages and unstructured content, such as tweets, SMS text messages, blogs and user comments. The advanced features of zveloCAT include support for zero-tolerance detection of pornography, hate speech, violence, and other objectionable content, making the offering ideal for web filtering applications such as parental controls and cyber-bullying detection.

Sentiment Analysis and Rating with a content range from Very Negative (-5) to Very Positive (+5). Named Entities Recognition and Detection to account for names of persons, organizations, locations, landmarks, local time zones, international currency mentions, and more. Context Analysis to gauge the "theme" of conversations or data.

Very fast categorization speed for high volume environments, coupled with a small footprint for local deployment on servers, appliances, PCs and endpoint devices. Can be deployed in a standalone configuration or coupled with the zveloDB SDK(TM) for optimal performance and coverage. Support for zvelo's proprietary Category Mapping to conform to a number of legacy or industry category sets, including IAB Quality Assurance Guideline (QAG) support.

Comprehensive language detection and categorization support, including English, as well as the major European and Asian languages.