Zicom Group Limited provided earnings guidance for the year ended 30 June 2018. The announced that, based on unaudited accounts, it expects to incur a loss after tax of between SGD 11.0 million to SGD 11.5 million (2017: SGD 4.62 million) for the year ended 30 June 2018. The loss is primarily due to a deepening downturn on the offshore marine sector which suffers a significant drop in revenue while the oil and gas sector faced delays in project awards due to uncertainties in the market. Total gross revenue of SGD 80.8 million suffers a drop of 14% as compared with 2017. The loss has been compounded by continuing gestation costs on the technologies invested, which account for SGD 4.4 million for the year as well as provisions for doubtful debts and stock obsolescence. The offshore marine sector will remain challenging for the next 2-3 years. The group expects revenue from the oil and gas and other segments to improve in this coming financial year.