HERE Technologies and Yojee Limited has teamed up to create a unique operations intelligence solution to transform warehouse operations and management for global companies. The growth of supply chains and e-commerce trends have resulted in the need for more warehouses worldwide. Experts are predicting that the number of warehouses around the world will grow by 20% between 2018 and 2025 to reach about 180,000, more than half of which will be in China, United States, Japan, India, and Germany.

At the same time, warehousing costs are rising, and companies are spending approximately €300 billion (USD 346 billion) a year on warehousing, with operational costs accounting for 85% of that expenditure. Combining the expertise of Yojee's logistics software with HERE's location intelligence, this joint initiative will uncover and generate crucial data from the warehouse floor. This will enable businesses to make better informed decisions on how they can streamline operations and utilize the maximum capacity of the facility through infrastructure planning, asset tracking, and workforce management.

These operational intelligence data points will help to establish a warehouse health pulse system that will measure key metrics based on various location parameters pertaining to workforce productivity, material handling equipment, inventory statuses and more. With HERE Asset Tracking, businesses can enjoy improved real-time visibility that tracks the location, status, and condition of their warehouse assets anywhere, anytime. Warehouse Operators are now able to remotely monitor manpower productivity levels within warehouses, and track movements of assets and material handling equipment both outdoors and indoors via already available networks.

The HERE Map Making platform also allows businesses to customize and maintain warehouse digital layouts (virtual representations) that will help them improve overall logistics planning and reduce operational costs. By feeding the real-time and historical data provided by the collaboration into an artificial intelligence (AI) powered data analytics dashboard, businesses will be presented with a central, customizable visualization of its warehouse operations.