15 January, 2014
Integrated campaign aims to influence nationwide behavioural change towards pickpocketing 

LONDON - OgilvyOne will this week launch a hard-hitting integrated campaign for independent crime-fighting charity Crimestoppers called #putpockets, using footage of pedestrians being targeted by a team of sleight-of-hand experts and former pickpockets.

The footage shows real passers-by standing unaware as the 'putpockets' team slip tablet, wallet and smartphone-sized cards into their bags and pockets. The cards carry the message that if someone can get something into your bag, they can also get something out.

The cards direct people to the #putpockets website (www.putpockets.co.uk), a digital hub hosted on Crimestoppers' website, created by OgilvyOne UK, which shows the putpockets in action and the various tactics they use, and gives simple tips on what people can do to protect themselves from pickpockets.

The aim of the campaign is to influence long-term behavioural change towards stealth crime - which accounts for 70-80% of theft-from-the-person incidents and is still rising. The charity wants to raise awareness of this crime type across the UK.

Emma de la Fosse, Executive Creative Director at OgilvyOne UK said: "By using old techniques in new ways, we actively created what scientists call a 'hot state', which is conducive to lasting behavioural change. Exposing people to the possibility of something, but without them being directly affected, is proven to create greater resonance and impact. We want to make Crimestoppers central to a real shift in the nation's attitude towards this crime."

Roger Critchell, Director of Operations for Crimestoppers, said: "We want to highlight how easy it is for someone to be a victim of crime without even knowing a crime against them is taking place.

"It is not intended to scare the public, but is in fact designed to educate them about the dangers of prowling pickpockets and to ask them to ensure they are vigilant when out and about. OgilvyOne has designed a powerful platform and produced footage with real impact to help us achieve that goal."

#Putpockets will be supported with a social media campaign, and the footage used in staggered promotional activity throughout 2014.

To see the video of the 'putpocketing' in action, visit www.putpockets.co.uk and follow @CrimestoppersUK and #putpockets on Twitter.

For media enquiries, please contact:

Poppy Nagra
Group Communications
Ogilvy & Mather UK
Tel. +44 (0)7345 3314
BB. +44 (0)7956 169209
Email. poppy.nagra@ogilvy.com

OgilvyOne Worldwide is the world's pre-eminent Customer Engagement Agency, as ranked by Forrester Research, Inc. Our core promise to clients is to help them unlock the full value of customers. We do this by turning big ideas and data into personal experiences to help our clients win more customers and make them more valuable. With over 100 offices in more than 50 countries, we are one of the industry's most highly awarded agencies. The roster of clients is equally balanced between global clients including American Express, BlackRock, British Airways, DuPont, IBM, Intercontinental Hotel Group, IKEA, Kimberly-Clark, Nestlé, Unilever and UPS and leading clients in our local markets. OgilvyOne Worldwide is a unit of Ogilvy & Mather, a WPP company (NASDAQ: WPPGY), one of the world's largest communications services groups.

Crimestoppers is an independent charity which works with law enforcement to locate and solve crimes as well as allowing people to anonymously report criminal activity. For more information, see Crimsetoppers-uk.org.


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