6 January, 2014
Modi Media Will Be Led by Digital TV Expert Michael Bologna

NEW YORK - GroupM today announced the launch of a new innovative TV business unit that will offer clients superior targeting and engagement capabilities in what has become a technology driven, data fused, addressable media environment.

The announcement was made by GroupM North America CEO Kelly Clark, who said the unit will be called Modi Media and will be led by Michael Bologna, GroupM's Director of Emerging Communications. Bologna's appointment as President of Modi Media is effective immediately, and his previous role is being folded into his new position.

"We are preparing for a world of media consumption and advertising message delivery that is radically different from what we see today," Clark said in making the announcement. "Data and technology are driving enormous change in the structure and the economics of the television business, and it's critical that we are ready to help clients navigate the new landscape. Modi Media will develop powerful advanced TV solutions for advertisers."

Clark said Modi (pronounced "Mo-Dee") will offer solutions that provide advanced targeting, less waste, improved ROI, and deeper engagement. Specifically, the unit will cover four practices:

DIGITAL CONTENT DISTRIBUTION: Focused on the promotion of sale or rental of digitally distributed films across cable and satellite platforms and through connected devices (iTunes, Xbox, Amazon, Vudu).

ADDRESSABLE TV: Addressable television is the ability to send a TV commercial to a specific household based on a brand's actual target profile. Targeting criteria can include income, advanced demography, and purchase behavior, among others. Ads are served only to the homes that fit the specified target criteria. The current reach potential of addressable TV is 40 million TV homes across the US, and is expected to grow significantly.

HYPER-LOCAL TV: Hyper-local television is the ability to insert a TV commercial directly to a specific zone or zip code based on geographic skews, sales data, trading radius etc. This helps focus clients' TV advertising in highly concentrated local neighborhoods without having to buy an entire market, thereby reducing waste.

INTERACTIVE TV (iTV): iTV enables advertisers to engage consumers more deeply with interactive content and promotions, using TV commercials as a "jumping off point." Solutions include dedicated advertiser channels, commercial overlays for lead generation, smart TV applications and e-commerce. Modi will provide advertisers with strategic planning, buying, production, and data analysis across platforms including cable, satellite, telco and gaming services.

Rino Scanzoni, Chief Investment Officer of GroupM, noted that Modi will be supported by the full resources and scale of GroupM including its TV implementation, optimization, research and data capabilities. The unit's services will be made available to clients of all GroupM agencies, which include Maxus, MEC, MediaCom and Mindshare. In addition the new unit will offer its services to other WPP agencies and directly to clients who may not work with a GroupM media agency.

Bologna started his career at MEC in 1998 as an assistant media planner on the agency's AT&T account. He was an original member of MEC's digital unit (The Digital Edge) and more recently has held positions that focused specifically on advanced television. He is known throughout the television and media industries for his expertise in the field of advanced digital communications.

A photo of Michael Bologna is available on request.

GroupM is the leading global media investment management operation. It serves as the parent company to WPP media agencies including Maxus, MEC, MediaCom, and Mindshare. Our primary purpose is to maximize the performance of WPP's media communications agencies on behalf of our clients, our stakeholders and our people by operating as a parent and collaborator in performance-enhancing activities such as trading, content creation, sports, digital, finance, proprietary tool development and other business-critical capabilities. The agencies that comprise GroupM are all global operations in their own right with leading market positions. The focus of GroupM is the intelligent application of physical and intellectual scale to benefit trading, innovation, and new communication services, to bring competitive advantage to our clients and our companies.


John Wolfe
Office: 212-297-7160
Cell: 914-659-8663
Email: john.wolfe@groupm.com

Laura Czaja
Office: 212-297-7556
Cell: 347-446-7133
Email: laura.czaja@mindshareworld.com


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